E2E tf.Keras to TFLite to Android

Margaret Maynard-Reid
5 min readSep 7, 2019

This tutorial covers how to train a model from scratch with TensorFlow 2.0 — train an image classifier with tf.Keras Sequential API, convert the trained model to tflite format, and run the model on Android. I will walk through an example with the MNIST data for image classification, and share some of the common issues you may face. This tutorial focuses on the end to end experience, and I will not go in-depth with deep learning, the various tf.Keras APIs or Android development. [Note: this is a simple classification model with MNIST. If you are interested in other TFLite samples, check out the…



Margaret Maynard-Reid

ML GDE (Google Developer Expert) | AI, Art & Design | 3D Fashion Designer